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Operating Principle Of Industrial Conveyor Belt Sy

11th June 2019

Before starting conveyor belt system it is necessary to start first receiving conveyor and then start feeding conveyor i.e. operating logic is from down stream to upstream. For stopping of conveyor system the operation will be opposite i.e. from upstream to down stream. So it is necessary if any conveyor is stopped in the system all the upstream conveyor should stop automatically. The existing system takes care of this logic. This is known as conveyor sequential operation. If due to any problem the rotation of conveyor becomes slow or towards zero it’s necessary to stop the conveyor. This is known as zero speed protection. Existing system takes care of it and stops the conveyor and further stop the upstream system sequentially. The dust suppression system should be operating when there is coal flow. This is done by sensing via simple mechanical under belt switch. The measurement of coal flow is done by using load cell.

For dust suppression system the spray header will be on when the contact of under belt switch is true and motor is in on. This two no of sensing is taken to avoid spraying when conveyor is not rotating but contact of under belt switch is true due to coal is laying on belt.
